Education Seminar: Bridging the Workforce Gap Panel

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a simple solution to the current workforce supply issue that could also ensure the next generation has the skills, leadership experience and training your company is looking to translate onto future projects? If you haven’t ever considered an intern, you’re creating roadblocks when you could be revving your company’s engines across the bridge to success.


Panel discussions include:

  • Redlight/Greenlight: When to search for/hire an intern? Whatever you do, don’t be stuck ‘ghosting’ them on yellow!
  • Tune Up: What does Gen Z really want? Are you offering the right perks and speaking their language in your offers?
  • Utilize GPS: Grow your company by Promoting the industry to Students… fellow MCAA Members aren’t the enemy, help make connections.
  • Know When to Consult a Map: Utilize available resources such as the new MCAA Internship Guide and don’t be scared to pull out the Hot Sauce Guide as your compass.